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Slovenska verzija


This is the development version of the integral digital information on the waters of Slovenia. The system is called 'Eurowaternet - Slovenia' (EWN-SI). It is the result of the ' Eurowaternet implementation in Slovenia' project developed within the framework of EIONET-SI.

There were folowing projects:
- Setup EUROWATERNET in Slovenia, I. phase (SLO)
- EUROWATERNET - II. Phase (Emissions) (SLO)
- EUROWATERNET for the SEA in Slovenia (SLO)

The EWN-SI is the system of aggregated, verified and logically integrated information on Slovene waters. Data sources are national information evidence and monitoring systems. The gathered information in the EWN-SI is a basis for the calculation of indicators, with which the efficiency of water environment protection policy in Slovenia will be tested. Therefore, they are organised in the DPSIR system.
driving forces,
impact and

The EWN-SI is conceptually based on the Eurowaternet, one of the components of the WATERBASE (information on European waters). Technical guidelines for the Eurowaternet have been issued by the European Environmental Agency (EEA) in 1998. The system is a basis for the evaluation of political decisions at the European level from the aspect of water protection. It is planned that the Member states and the Accession countries (Slovenia included) develop national information networks. With them they will not only contribute to the European water information network, but also support their national needs for exchange of information, production of reports and will enable the public an access to them. The Eurowaternet was conceived as a "sampler" of the existing national monitoring and information databases, thus enabling it to collect the data on the state of European waters and the pressures on the water environments through the known statistical power and precision.

For that sort of reporting in Slovenia we included:
- 19 stations for monitoring rivers flow,
- 24 stations for monitoring rivers quality,
- 24 stations for monitoring groundwaters level,
- 41 stations for monitoring groundwaters quality,
- 5 stations in 2 lakes for monitoring lakes quality and
- 10 stations for monitoring sea quality

It is based on catchments and geographical information systems. The same as the Eurowaternet, the EWN-SI gives information on the pressures on water bodies and on the status of water environment resources in Slovenia. At the same time it gives general information on all surface and groundwater water bodies in Slovenia and other to the system DPSIR related basic information. With the development of the system, users will be able to get even more information (meteorological, hydrological, water use, point and disperse pollution, dangerous substances in water, quality of drinking and bathing water, ecological status, ...).

slika GONILNE SILE / DRIVING FORCES interaktivni zemljevid preglednica besedilo podatkovni sloj
Ameliorated Areas

(115 KB)
(36 KB)
Monitoring kakovosti kopalnih voda na kopalnih območjih
Monitoring of quality of bathing waters on the bathing areas
Povezava na Atlas okolja, za dostop je potrebno pridobiti geslo. Podatkovni sloj se nahaja v: Poročanje EEA in EU/Kopalne vode
Povezava na spletno stran ARSO(41 KB)   Merilna mesta (3KB) Kopalna območja (10 KB)
Pokrovnost tal po CORINE 2000
Corine Land Cover 2000
Povezava na Atlas okolja, za dostop je potrebno pridobiti geslo. Podatkovni sloj se nahaja v: Poročanje EEA in EU/Pokrovnost tal po CORINE

(108 KB)
  Povezava na stran od Evropske agencije za okolje

(340 KB)

(800 KB)
Hidrografska območja z gostoto poselitve, ki presega 500 prebivalcev/km2
Hydrographical areas with more than 500 inhab./km2 of population density
(66 KB)
slika OBREMENITVE / PRESSURES interaktivni zemljevid preglednica besedilo podatkovni sloj
Območja kanalizacijskih sistemov
Sewage Areas

(151 KB)
(126 KB)
Območja vodovodnih sistemov
Water Supply Areas

(177 KB)
(138 KB)
Komunalne čistilne naprave
Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plants

(82 KB)
(4 KB)
Hidrografska območja z več kot 40 % obdelovalnih zemljišč
Hydrographical areas with more than 40 % of cultivated lands
(119 KB)
Hidrografska območja z več kot 20 % zemljišč namenjenih sladkorni pesi, krompirju in koruzi
Hydrographical areas with more than 20 % of lands intended for sugar beat, potato and corn
(69 KB)
Hidrografska območja z več kot 5 % zemljišč namenjenih posebnim kulturam (vinogradi, sadovnjaki, hmeljišča)
Hydrographical areas with more than 5 % of lands intended for special cultures (vineyards, orchards, hop-fields)
(92 KB)
Hidrografska območja z več kot 15 % zemljišč urbane rabe tal
Hydrographical areas with more than 15 % of lands of urban land use
(72 KB)
Hidrografska območja z živinorejsko gostoto, ki presega 1,5 GVŽ/ha kmetijskih zemljišč
Hydrographical areas with livestock density of more than 1,5 heads of cattle/hectare of farming lands
(130 KB)
slika STANJE / STATE interaktivni zemljevid preglednica besedilo podatkovni sloj
Poplavne površine (1-pogosteje; 2-redkeje poplavljene površine)
Flood Areas (1-frequently; 2-rarely flooded areas)

(1.3 MB)
1-(272 KB)

2-(1.5 MB)

Letne padavine
Annual Precipitations
Mesta monitoringa EWN-SI na vodotokih
EWN-SI Monitoring Stations on Rivers

(114 KB)
Povezava na osrednje odlagališče podatkov (CDR), kjer so podatki o monitoringu vodotokov, ki jih je poročala Slovenija na Evropsko agencijo za okolje  
(1 KB)
Mesta monitoringa EWN-SI na podzemnih vodah
EWN-SI Monitoring Stations on Groundwaters

(124 KB)
Povezava na osrednje odlagališče podatkov (CDR), kjer so podatki o monitoringu podzemnih vodah, ki jih je poročala Slovenija na Evropsko agencijo za okolje  
(2 KB)
Mesta monitoringa EWN-SI na jezerih
EWN-SI Monitoring Stations on Lakes

(75 KB)
Povezava na osrednje odlagališče podatkov (CDR), kjer so podatki o monitoringu jezer, ki jih je poročala Slovenija na Evropsko agencijo za okolje  
(1 KB)
Mesta monitoringa EWN-SI na morju
EWN-SI Monitoring Stations on Sea
  Povezava na osrednje odlagališče podatkov (CDR), kjer so podatki o monitoringu morja, ki jih je poročala Slovenija na Slovenija na Evropsko agencijo za okolje  
(1 KB)

(449 KB)

slika VPLIVI / IMPACTS interaktivni zemljevid preglednica besedilo podatkovni sloj
Skupna ocena kakovosti vodotokov
Combined Estimate of River Quality
(214 KB)

(412 KB)

slika Tema / Theme: DPSIR interaktivni zemljevid preglednica besedilo podatkovni sloj
Zavarovani vodni viri
Protected Water Resources

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(201 KB)
(100 KB)
Zavarovana območja narave
Nature Protected Areas

(400 KB)

(141 KB)

(354 KB)

(24 KB)
(744 KB)
Varstvena območja vodnih virov
Protected Water Resource Areas

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(876 KB)

(321 KB)
(7.1 MB)


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