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EIONET-SI is a network, consists of representative on political level, National focal point (NFP), representative in Scientific Comitte, experts from different institutions in Slovenia (NRC) and Primary contact points.

Representative on political level is a member of Mangement Board in the EEA. The EEA Management Board (MB) is the main decision-making body of the EEA. It consists of 34 members, including one representative from each of the 30 member countries, two from the European Commission and two experts designated by the European Parliament. The MB chairman is elected by the MB members.

National Focal Point is the main contact point for the EEA and organizes the main national activities related to the EEA strategy. NFP maintains and develops the national network, facilitates and coordinates contacts, requests and deliveries between national and EU level. In addition it acts as adviser to our EEA management board member and develops contacts to other relevant networks such as Eurostat.

Representative in Scientific Comitte is a member of Scientific Committee (SC). SC is appointed by the EEA Management Board, assists the Management Board and the Executive Director on any scientific matter concerning the EEA's activity. The SC consists of up to 20 members appointed for four years.

National reference centres are institutions with nominated experts, who cooperates with the EEA and relevant European topic centres in specific environmental areas related to the EEA work programme. Reported data prepared by NRCs are assessed by the EEA. After every reporting period EEA publish the Progress report to show the progress of countries on reporting on Priority data flow. Reports are available to the public on Central data repository CDR.

Primary contact points are responsible for co-ordination and dissemination of reports to EEA.